These past couple of years has been hard on my family and me. We have been tackling family sickness’s, along with me being a victim of having Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS is a chronic disorder of the colon). Irritable bowel syndrome is not life threatening and can be relieved. IBS can be severe and debilitating, interfere with work, social life, and other activities. For me, IBS has been extremely annoying and painful! I feel like I am weird and my body is weird for acting so strange. I have learned to manage it by changing my lifestyle and not dealing with these stressful situations. My husband likes to think he has also helped me to take on the stresses – I humor him. I didn’t always have this syndrome, however it became worse over time. I have been through so many traumas in my life that it has gotten worse over time and effected my body.
A book that has helped me to understand how to take control of my symptoms is Relief of IBS by Elaine Fantle Shimberg. Elaine Shimberg is a doctor who writes her experience of being a doctor who also has this syndrome and shares her experiences and how to relieve the symptoms . Above is a picture of me with after an hour of relaxation and walking around in my house. Exercise is important for IBS patients as it helps to relax the body.