Happy Birthday Kim Kardashian.
I like this article written by Emily Kirkpatrick as the hologram of Kim Kardashian’n father was very touching .
Kim Kardashian’s Hologram of Her Late Father Calls Kanye West “The Most, Most Most, Most, Most Genius Man in the Whole World”

Seven years after the release of his song “I Am a God,” Kanye West took his self-identification as a deity to new heights by resurrecting his wife’s deceased father, Rob Kardashian Sr., via hologram for her 40th birthday party.
Despite the backlash she received over her lavish mid-pandemic tropical getaway, Kim Kardashian stuck to her birthday content rollout plan on Thursday night, sharing a video of this very uncanny and meaningful gift from her husband. The reality star wrote alongside a clip of the 3D projection, “For my birthday, Kanye got me the most thoughtful gift of a lifetime. A special surprise from heaven. A hologram of my dad. It is so lifelike! We watched it over and over, filled with emotion.”
She added in a follow-up tweet, “I can’t even describe what this meant to me and my sisters, my brother, my mom and closest friends to experience together. Thank you so much Kanye for this memory that will last a lifetime. Here’s a more close up view to see the incredible detail.” West worked with production company Kaleida to create the hologram and, according to TMZ, “spent a lot of time in the studio poring over old video and audio of Robert to bring the vision to life, and AI was used to finish off the project, which Kanye started in early September.”
In the video, the hologram of the late lawyer delivers Kim a special birthday message, recounting some of their favorite memories together and telling his daughter how beautiful she looks and how proud he is of her for all her hard work, her dream of becoming a lawyer, and being a proud Armenian woman. Kanye also managed to slip a little compliment for himself into Rob Kardashian Sr.’s monologue, prompting the hologram to tell his wife, “You married the most, most, most, most, most genius man in the whole world, Kanye West.”