Phone is Bugged and How it Effects Health

 6 Surefire Signs Your Phone Is Bugged

Bugged-Phones-Ear-Listening-To-ThemTracking applications are being increasingly popular as more individuals have begun to purchase programs that allow them to have full access to specific devices.

With that being said, these apps can be used against better judgement.

[Read More: 10 Effective Tips For Preventing Cell Phone Spyware]

If you think that your phone has become a victim of bugging, there are ways to determine whether you are right or not.

By paying attention to the below indicators, you can easily determine if it is bugged by someone!

No. 1: Troubles Shutting Your Phone Down

One of the most important indicators to be aware of is whether there is any inexplicable activity occurring. If you find that you are having issues with shutting it down, your device could very well be compromised.

One of the most common issues in regards to turning a tapped phone off is a significant delay while the shutdown process is occurring. This generally leads to the back-light remaining on even after it has been switched off.

No. 2: Look For Random & Strange Activity

As previously mentioned, inexplicable behavior may be another indicator that may suggest that you have been bugged. Weird activity can incorporate a variety of different events ranging:

  • From Distortions On Your Screen
  • To Installing Programs On Its Own

With that being said, it is imperative that you pay close attention to your phone if you suspect that someone else has access to it. The more you know your device, the easier it will be to determine if any strange events are occurring on it.

No. 3: Hearing Background Noises & Clicks While Making A Call



Although this event has been glamorized by movies and television, hearing abnormal background noises and clicks while placing a call are factors that could indicate that you have been tapped.

Echoes and static are two other sounds that you may hear if you have been eavesdropped. The reason why you are hearing these sounds is because of the other individual who is listening to your conversations.

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Also, with many tracking applications, they often record your calls and transfer them directly to other individual. This event may also force you to hear strange noises while you are speaking with someone on the phone.

No. 4: Notice Increased Data Usage

Determining whether there has been a drastic increase in your online data usage can be easily tracked by logging into your mobile account and viewing your past invoices.

Considering that another person has access to your bugged device it means that they will be able to get to all of your apps, even internet browsers. If an individual is able to manage those using the internet, there will definitely be an increase in downloaded and uploaded data.

Another reason as to why this may be higher is due to the fact that these spy applications transmit information to another location. These transmissions are completed via the internet and occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

No. 5: Low Battery Life & Its High Temperature


How to Tell If Your Phone Is Tapped

Two common issues that are experienced by people with bugged or tapped devices are low battery life and an its extremely high temperature.

Considering that the majority of individuals who tap phones wish to have 24/7 access, the application that they install will be running at all times during the day. This process can drastically drain your energy source due to the fact that it never shuts down or gives your a break.

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As with the majority of mobile devices, when they are running for an extended period of time, it will undoubtedly become extremely warm & hot to the touch. With the tracking application running stealthily in the background, your battery will overwork itself and get hot.

No. 6: Watch For Coded Text Messages

These could be a way for the bugger to attempt to contact you to show that you have been bugged. These could also be a simple indicator that anyone else has been accessing your incoming and outgoing text message logs.

If you experience any coded text messages, there is a high probability that someone has attempted to bug you and your information is no longer safe.

With the ample amount of spy applications available on the market, more people are beginning to find that their devices have been compromised. If you are worried about your phone possibly being bugged, determine if any of the above indicators apply to your situation.

Further Resources

  • Kanwal Nijjar Sodhi

    Kanwal Sodhi am The Creator Editor of

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