The Grocery Stores Going Beyond the ‘International Food Aisle’ to Expand Palates

If you are a fan of kimchee like your grandmother made or are looking for the freshest curry leaf, you’re probably well acquainted with stores like H Mart, Patel Brothers, and 99 Ranch. These outlets go beyond the international food sections that you’ll find in conventional chains like Safeway and Whole Foods. Instead they offer aisle upon aisle of products that signify home to the Asian diaspora in the United States. And as these stores expand in size and volume, they are redefining American palates. We’ll explore what chains like these these mean to their customers, the impact they are having on mom and pop stores, and how they are changing how we eat and cook.
Priya Krishna, Reporter and video host, New York Times -Krishna wrote the recent New York Times article “Don’t Call It an ‘Ethnic’ Grocery Store.” She covers the intersection of food and broader cultural issues for the paper and hosts the video series “On the Job.” Krishna is also the author of the cookbook, “Indian-ish”
Margot Seeto, Dumpling columnist, SF GATE
Luke Tsai, Food editor, KQED Arts and Culture