Seeking a Harmonious Life With Feng Shui
From New York Times

Anne Martini believes that following the principles of feng shui has resulted in concrete benefits for her and her family. When she first had her home analyzed 17 years ago, she was being laid off from a pharmaceutical company.
Her feng shui expert advised her to put water in the front of her house in Princeton, N.J., to bring prosperity.
“My landscaper dug six feet in the ground and created a fountain in the front, just as I was negotiating my severance package,” Ms. Martini said. “I ended up getting a quarter-million dollars more than what they had initially offered. I’ve since added two more water structures — 8-by-20-foot features — more water, more wealth!”
Feng shui — the Chinese practice of using the flow of “energies” in the home to create harmony and good health — is a technique that is thousands of years old, combining Chinese astrology with the shape, magnetic direction and age of structures. It has become a popular practice for Asians and non-Asians alike as Chinese influence on cultures worldwide has grown.