Still, one of the coolest things to come out of the event (so far) was our first official look at Dwayne “The Scorpion King of My Heart” Johnson in the highly anticipated movie Black Adam. When I say, “Y’all aren’t ready,” I mean it this time. Just watch:
For those not in the know, Black Adam is a supervillain, most often seen in the comics as the archnemesis of Captain Marvel (no, not THAT one, the Shazam! one).

The exclusive clip begins by showing off some key art, setting up the massive world in which the movie takes place:

Aldis Hodge as “Hawkman”:

Quintessa Swindell as “Cyclone”:

And Pierce Brosnan as “Doctor Fate”:

After that, we get a lil’ sneaky peeky at Dwayne all geared up and ready to go as the iconic supervillain before he introduces a short teaser clip from the film itself!

WHEW Y’ALL, this clip — while only about a minute long — is already promising! Basically, we see a group of people who’ve clearly never seen a horror film in their lives reading from an ancient-looking stone, before summoning our titular main man:
And he does not seem very excited to be there, which…relatable. He immediately turns one guy to dust:
Then, he proceeds to catch a bullet like it’s nothing. For real, Ozymandias WHO?!
Naturally, fans were pretty freakin’ pumped to finally get a look at the movie:
With many quick to make some A+ memes:
@TheRock @SevenBucksProd @flynnpictureco This is Black Adam