Weight Loss Made Fun: How to Lose 20 Pounds or More by Dancing
Dancing is a great way to lose 20 pounds. It’s not only good for you, but it also speeds up your heart rate, gets you going, makes you sweat, works all your muscles, and on top of all that, it’s fun! Most people do not look forward to their exercise routine. Some even avoid exercising and the gym altogether. Dancing is something that anyone at any age can do and have a ball while doing it! You can literally dance your way to weight loss and losing 20 pounds.
Types of Dancing
Anything you want to do in the form of dance will burn calories. Some will take a little longer. If you are doing the old fashioned waltz, it is going to take a lot longer to lose 20 pounds. If you jump right in to a rock and roll routine, and keep at it for 30 to 45 minutes, you will burn a considerable number of calories and you will have had fun doing it. Ballroom dancing also works those muscles and burns the fat off. The latest weight loss fad is hip hop dancing. There are countless videos available now that promise to have you dance those pounds away moving to the latest hip hop songs as you learn the vigorous dance moves associated with hip hop.
If you are physically fit and have a doctor’s clearance there is no reason you cannot dance to lose weight. People in their 70s are dancing for the fun of it and the added benefit of staying in shape. You will not believe what dancing does for your muscles and body tone until you try it yourself. And you will lose 20 pounds or more if you stick with it.
Noticing Results
If you actively dance for one week you are going to be amazed at how good you feel at the end of that week! Sure, you are going to be sore for a few days because you are using every muscle group in your body, but the more you dance, the more limber you will become. Weigh yourself on the first day of the week. Dance every day (really dance) and weigh yourself on the last day of that week. If you have been careful not to overeat, you will most likely have dropped a pound or two. At this rate, you should be able to lose 20 pounds in about 3 to 6 months time.
Diet Habits
Maintain a diet that is low in fat and carbohydrates and try to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Do your dancing at the same time every day. Dance alone in front of a mirror (to improve your moves) or invite a bunch of friends over and have a dance party.