World Stroke Day: Signs, causes and treatment for the disease
October 29 marks World Stroke Day. Every six seconds, someone somewhere around the globe dies from the disease. Here are some quick facts you need to know about its symptoms and how to prevent an attack.
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* One of the key factors that minimise the damage is early detection. Watch out for certain signs that indicate a potential stroke: Is one side drooping? Are the arms of one side weaker than the other? Is the speech jumbled or slurred? If you see any of these signs, then immediately connect with a medical expert.
* Strokes are treatable if detected in time. If you treat it as an emergency and head to the stroke unit, the damage from the stroke can be minimised.
* The usual form of treatment includes clot-busting drugs that break blood clots. If given earlier, it shows greater benefits. Another treatment is to remove the clot to improve survival rate and reduce disability if the stroke is caused by an artery blockage.