Slimming Fashion Tricks: Colors, Patterns, Shoes, and More
We already told you how to look 10 pounds thinner instantly by wearing clothes with clean lines, flattering shapes and well-placed hems. Now it’s time to take off another 10 pounds with some more slimming fashion tricks. You may know that a jacket cut in just the right way can make you look thinner, but did you know that the color and pattern also matter? Everything, including the shoes you wear, the bag you carry and the jewelry you choose, can add or subtract to your size. And who wouldn’t want to look 10 pounds thinner without having to go on a diet? It’s time to go beyond the bare essentials of what to wear with these slimming fashion tricks…
How to Wear Flattering Colors
One of the easiest ways to instantly look thinner is to wear flattering colors.
Everyone knows that black is the most flattering color, which is why every woman should have the perfect little black dress. Black never fails to make you look slim and elegant.
Darker shades of colors like blue, purple and brown can also help to hide flaws and create a slimming illusion.
On the other hand, lighter colors, like white and khaki, can add pounds and give the illusion of a larger frame.
Don’t wear a white blouse if you want to camouflage a large chest.
Put away the khakis if you’re trying to disguise wide hips.
Opt for a deep-colored blouse and dark pants with thin vertical pinstripes instead.
When you wear a flattering shade like black, not only will you look thinner, you’ll also feel more at ease with your body and move with the confidence of a beauty queen.
But if you’re bored with black and want to wear more exciting colors, just keep this tip in mind: Bright colors draw attention to whichever area they’re worn on.,
So, don’t wear a bright shirt if you’re trying to hide a big belly or large chest, and stay away from bright pants if you have a big bottom and wide hips.
Another rule for wearing flattering colors is to not pair a light top with dark pants if you’re on the shorter side.
Doing so will visually cut the body in half, making you appear short and squat.
If you want to accentuate your height or add a couple inches to your petite frame, wear monochromatic colors from top to bottom.
This helps to create a visual vertical line that lengthens out the body, as well as hides flaws.
Problems with Patterns and Stripes
The rule of wearing monochromatic colors does not, however, apply to prints.
A mistake that women occasionally make is thinking that if wearing the same color on top and bottom is good, wearing the same print on top and bottom is good, too.
Avoid this fashion faux pas and remember that you should never wear one pattern from top to bottom, or else you’ll end up looking like a giant paisley or polka-dot clown.
This doesn’t mean you have to give up patterned clothes. Just remember that your flower-print shirt looks best with your black skirt, not flower-print capris.
Stripes can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
If you’re all skin and bones and want to add 10 pounds to your frame, then by all means wear horizontal stripes.
But if you’re trying to hide figure flaws or appear taller, vertical lines are just the ticket. Pinstripe pants are great for work and very flattering in black, dark brown or navy blue.
One word of caution: If you want to disguise your curves, stay away from vertical lines, which will turn into squiggles as they hug your curves.
To downplay a full figure, stick to solid-colored clothing.
Size Matters: Flattering Accessories and Shoes
When it comes to shoes and fashion accessories, remember that size matters.
It’s not just your size that matters – it’s also the size of your accessory.
If you’re a full-figured woman, carrying a tiny purse or wearing a thin belt will only draw attention to your size.
Instead of choosing an item simply because you like it or because it’s in fashion right now, think balance and choose your accessories accordingly.
Larger women should try a medium-sized purse, a wide belt, a necklace with a large pendant, or a bigger watch.
You’ll be surprised at how balanced accessories can make you look thinner.
The shoes you wear also play a part in balancing your size and height.
Dainty shoes on a larger woman may make a passersby wonder if the heel is going to give out.
So don’t buy something just because it looks good on someone else – choose according to your size.
If you want to add height to your figure, start with a three-inch heel.
Taller heels are OK if you are an expert at walking in skyscrapers, but you’ll look awkward if you’re stumbling in too-high heels.
Try before you buy and make sure you can walk gracefully in the heel that you choose.
Also, consider a pointy-toed shoe to elongate a short body – this shape will make you appear taller and slimmer.
A final note on shoes: If you’re going for height, watch out for shoes with dark-colored ankle straps, which can visually cut the length of the leg at the ankle, making the entire leg appear shorter and undoing the benefit of wearing heels.
The #1 Tip for How to Look 10 Pounds Thinner
What’s the best-kept secret to looking like you’ve lost 10 pounds when you really haven’t?
A good tan. Your skin is your most important accessory, which means that keeping it looking great is the key to really looking your best. A bronze, even tan hides skin flaws and even camouflages mild cellulite and spider veins, which will help you feel more confident wearing sleeveless tops and shorter skirts.
In short, tan fat looks better than pasty white fat.
But don’t look to the sun’s harmful UV rays for a tan – buy a bottle of self-tanner and get to work on your own homemade glow.
If you follow these few simple tips, you won’t have to worry about going on a crash diet in order to look great for that party this weekend.
But if you really want to make some healthy changes over the long haul, get yourself involved in a fun exercise program and start replacing junk food with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Taking a good look at your diet and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day can make a big difference in your body and your health.
Then you can go shopping and think about what you like, instead of just what likes you.
Do You Need A Makeover?
Makeover shows are addicting. There’s just something satisfying about seeing a “before and after” – a potential that’s been reached with just a little effort and a touch of expertise. While you may not be able to get enough of these shows, have you ever considered yourself as a prime candidate? Take this quiz to see if you’re makeover-worthy. Click here to take this quiz.