Grilled Cheese Recipes

10 Pinterest Grilled Cheese Recipes Every Collge Student Should Try

Grilled cheese is probably a college student’s best friend.  After a long, hard day of classes, or an intense study session in the library, a grilled cheese is always an easy and delicious snack to make.  But instead of having the same ol’ basic grilled cheese every day, try mixing it up with these delicious grilled cheese recipes!


  1. Get a little fancy with a spinach and ricotta grilled cheese!  Makes those carbs seem much less important.



2. Pizza Margherita Grilled Cheese?! Yes Please!



3. Bring out your inner child with these Grilled cheese dippin’ sticks!



4. Pesto Mozzarella grilled cheese is what cheesy dreams are made of!



5. Counting them carbs? Try this Cauliflower Crusted Grilled cheese!



6. A Bacon Guacamole Grilled cheese?! Oh my!



7.  Best for the morning, mid day or night, try this delicious fried egg grilled cheese sandwich!

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8. Have you ever wanted your two favorite childhood dishes combined into one? Well this Grilled Mac n Cheese sandwich is perfect for you!


9. If you want to get a little Boujie with it, try this Apple Gouda Grilled Cheese!


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10. Go a lil’ tropical with this BBQ Chicken & Pineapple Sandwich!

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